There is something specifically that I am believing God for...that I am placing my trust in and hoping on... This thing has plagued my family and been a generational curse and I am looking to God to see it broken IN MY GENERATION & EVEN IN THE GENERATION BEFORE ME. Somedays I get discouraged or lose sight of what He has promised, but today I watched a video by Darlene Bishop! This video had me in awe, now I love Darlene Bishop, but she wasn't what silenced me. The messgae that God gave her through her granddaughter is what silenced me. ALL I NEED TO KNOW IS THAT MY DADDY IS WORKING! Life is as simple as that...if only we would stop worrying and wondering and just calm down and realize - MY DADDY'S WORKING.........

Precious Little ones vs. Shelter Shut-Ins

I have something that I must get off my chest.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE children. In fact, I've been preparing for my precious little ones for a while (although I am still in my last year of college waiting on the Lord for a husband, lol). I find myself spending time with other's children and working in a daycare facility. It is just a passion that I know the Lord has given me. I have a vehement desire to care for them with all I have giving them as much love and encouragement as I can. Saying this, there is something I just have to get off of my chest!

If you watch animal planet as much as I do, I know you have seen those commercials for saving animals from less than perfect conditions. Well, if you haven't let me key you in. For starters, I am an animal lover, but there are times when animal loverdom can take things a bit too far. In these commercials they show the most pitiful animals with their eyes falling out, missing limbs, and bodies that look like they just came out of the dump, along with Sarah McLachlan's song, "In the Arms of the Angel." Yah...yah ...yah...yah...I know at first you get all teary eyed and want to start a farm by adopting every single one that comes through the animal shelter, but then something CRAZY appears. As I am watching this commercial, they procede to tell you that you can help these poor little creatures by donating $19-25 dollars a month...Yes you heard me correctly $19-25 dollars a month. To several of you, this may not seem like much, but you'll soon see why I believe that this is an obscene amount of money.

Let's clear something up! On several commercials that are broadcast to help aid children who are starving or victims of civil wars, they ask their veiwers for 5-25cents at most for those children a day. I'm no mathmetician, but 25 cents a day at 31 days in a month comes out to...dun...dun...dun...dun...a whopping $7.75!!!!!! You can obviously see my disappointment! How can one be willing to spend $19-25 on and animal and only $7.75 on a child!!!!! This makes absolutely NO SENSE and is completely INFURIATING! Our society has lost its mind these days. Michael Vick goes to jail for using animals as killing machines (which I believe is absolutely disgusting by the way) while doctors all across America are given a whopping pay raise for aborting BABIES, not Fetuses! I digress... That's for a later post, but basically you can understand my frustration. I wish our world wasn't so backward sometimes. I'm so glad that I have someone in my life who makes whole and complete sense, even when I'm not sure just how He wants to use me at times, JESUS!

There should be no comparison! An animal or one of God's precious little ones! It sickens me to watch this dog get the best care with a vet nurse by his side, while it is a struggle to get food over to children who desperately need it and who are lacking medical attention....